CIP Administration

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CIP Administrative features are available through the Admin menu. Users need to be granted specific administrative role permissions to configure options.

Admin Menu Items

Admin Menu Items

The Admin menu enables you access any of the following admin options:

Build Rules – Set-up build rules for auto-build of part type and description  

DistributorsDistributors Administration

oAutomatic sync of data from distributors

oCountry settings and customer ID


oSet up of component views and customizable fields

oReorder and Group View Fields

oEmail notification setup

oConfigure Indicator for manufacturer part status

oSeparator selection for Import and Export files

oConfigure part number prefix

oCIP Link setup (for viewing of CIP parts from CIS)

oConfigure Reuse Module Location

oUltra Librarian download options

oConfigure fields to be transferred to design

oSystem Capture Configuration

oShow link to active users on the log in page

Bulk Operations

oDelete parts in CSV from CIP

oComponent View Mover – Move parts between views within a table

oImport parts from CSV to CIP


Users, Roles, & PermissionsUsers, Roles & Permission Administration

oAdd, remove and modify users

oConfigure user specific notification

oDefine new roles

oConfigure field permissions for each role

Users who have partial administrative permissions can view only the list of options that are specifically granted to them. Conversely, a user without granted permission to the build rules option is unable to view those options. The figure that follows, for example, shows a view of the menu items that are available to an admin user who lacks privileges to the build rules. Refer to User Administrative Role Permissions for more info.

Admin Menu Items Without Privilege to Build Rules

Admin Menu Items Without Privilege to Build Rules