Add, Modify and Delete Distributor Part

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Each manufacturer part number can have any number of distributor part numbers associated to it.

Distributor parts can be added using one of the following methods:

Use Distributor Search to automatically add a TMP part or update an existing part

Add the part directly from the part entry page

Use the Add Distributor PNs or Add Silicon Expert PNs button to automatically add the part when viewing a Manufacturer Part

Distributor Part information may be modified with one of the following methods:

Use Distributor Search to automatically update an existing part or Distributor Sync

Modify the part directly from the part entry page

Distributor parts are deleted directly from the part entry page.

To modify the fields associated to a distributor part, select the part and scroll down to the distributor information of the Part Information form.

hmtoggle_arrow1Add Distributor Part Manually
hmtoggle_arrow1Add multiple Distributor Parts


hmtoggle_arrow1Edit Distributor Part manually
hmtoggle_arrow1Delete Distributor Part

Note: When an Arrow part number is added to CIP using a distributor search, a unique string that is used to retrieve quantity and price data is also added. When the Arrow part number is manually added or modified, the unique reference string becomes unavailable. Consequently, the Arrow part is unable to update during a distributor sync.