Search Results and Part Detail

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The results returned from a distributor search may be extensive since the search queries the distributor’s database of parts to match the requested criteria. The fields returned in the search results are: Distributor (DigiKey, Newark, Future, Mouser, or Arrow), Distributor PN, Manufacturer, Manufacturer PN, Description, Category, Quantity On Hand, and (Unit) Price. To determine the complete price breakpoint of a part, you need to select the part and view its Part Detail page.

Search results may be re-ordered by clicking a column heading (Distributor, Distributor PN, etc.). The order of the displayed results can be re-sorted by the column selected. Re-selecting the same column reverses the order of displayed results.

Note: The search algorithm for each distributor site is controlled by the distributor. Consequently, each distributor search responds differently to the search string provided. The Manufacturer Name may be inconsistent across all distributors.

Sample Distributor Search Results

Sample Distributor Search Results


Moving the mouse pointer over a part that is listed in the search results highlights the part. Highlight and click a part to show Distributor Part Data, Attributes and an image of the actual part (if available). Each distributor provides attribute data in its own format.


Sample Part Data and Attributes

Sample Part Data and Attributes